
Greetings! My name is Rafael Santamaría Ortega, I'm an aspiring AI Security Engineer commited to ensuring safe and human-centered AI.

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Risk Matrix for a Fictional Bank | Risk Assessments

In this hands-on activity from the Google Cybersecurity Professional Certificate, I simulated being a security analyst for a commercial bank’s cybersecurity team tasked with evaluating risks in the organization’s risk register. The job involved assessing various components of security risks using a structured scoring system formatted later as a matrix:

The scenario was described as such:

“You’ve joined a new cybersecurity team at a commercial bank. The team is conducting a risk assessment of the bank’s current operational environment. As part of the assessment, they are creating a risk register to help them focus on securing the most vulnerable risks.

A risk register is a central record of potential risks to an organization’s assets, information systems, and data. Security teams commonly use risk registers when conducting a risk assessment.

Your supervisor asks you to evaluate a set of risks that the cybersecurity team has recorded in the risk register. For each risk, you will first determine how likely that risk is to occur. Then, you will determine how severely that risk may impact the bank. Finally, you will calculate a score for the severity of that risk. You will then compare scores across all risks so your team can determine how to prioritize their attention for each risk.”

This is the Risk Matrix Register I completed:

Risk Register Matrix

Operational environment

The bank is located in a coastal area with low crime rates. Many people and systems handle the bank’s data—100 on-premise employees and 20 remote employees. The customer base of the bank includes 2,000 individual accounts and 200 commercial accounts. The bank’s services are marketed by a professional sports team and ten local businesses in the community. There are strict financial regulations that require the bank to secure their data and funds, like having enough cash available each day to meet Federal Reserve requirements.

Asset Risk(s) Description Likelihood Severity Priority
Funds Business email compromise An employee is tricked into sharing confidential information. 3 3 9
Funds Compromised user database Customer data is poorly encrypted. 2 3 6
Funds Financial records leak A database server of backed-up data is publicly accessible. 2 2 4
Funds Theft The bank’s safe is left unlocked. 1 2 2
Funds Supply chain disruption Delivery delays due to natural disasters. 2 2 4


The biggest concern is business email compromise, as many employees are susceptible to digital threats like phishing scams that can occur at any time. Next priorities should be:

  1. Compromised database and financial records leak, which may be consequences of a business email compromise.
  2. Supply chain disruption due to natural disasters, especially in coastal areas prone to hurricanes and tsunamis.
  3. Theft is the least likely scenario due to the low crime rate in the area, making it the lowest priority.
